Are you are an actor who believes in themselves and your ability to portray a character in a script BUT when you walk into an audition and the camera is pointing straight at you, a sudden doubt creeps into your mind and all your self-belief goes out the window?

Or, have you never acted before but you are thinking of taking up an acting class with aspirations of working in film or TV?


Acting For Screen is a new acting workshop in Birmingham. Until now there has been no other class specifically for screen acting in the West Midlands.

Acting for Screen is now running classes at the LAMPWORKS in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter. The course operates in terms of 12 weekly classes where group members will participate in a range of pertinent activities from improvisation to script work, all filmed on camera!

We will be running two courses, one will be for trained actors who want to hone their skills in front of the camera, the other will be for beginners who wish to be trained in this specific art form.

Every week you will have had the opportunity to watch your work on screen, and on leaving the class you will have achieved a goal in conquering how to act completely naturally in front of a camera.


Acting for screen has moved venue! Classes will now take place at Oasis Church, in Harborne, Birmingham.